Training in ISBT-Bowen Therapy
An opportunity to:
• develop a new career
• change the direction of your existing career
• greatly enhance your bodywork skills
ISBT-Bowen Therapy is a stand-alone manual therapy treatment method or it can be very successfully incorporated with many other modalities.
The International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT) Directors Lisa Black and Col Murray developed ISBT-BowenTherapy based on the principles and practices
of their understanding of the work of Australian
bodywork genius Tom Bowen (1916-82).

ISBT conference & 2nd level Advanced course in Mainz, Germany.
The Courses
ISBT Foundation and Advanced courses are conducted in Australasia, Asia, Europe and South America.
Courses are uniquely designed to allow students the best opportunity to develop a full understanding of the technique, the requirement of each individual and what is achieved during and after application.
Excerpts from the ISBT Foundation Course Learning Guide
The Effect of ISBT-Bowen Therapy in the Treatment of Myofascial Neck Pain-a Randomized, Single-Blinded Clinical Trial
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, published June 2023
This video aims to create greater interest in Bowen Therapy`s role in maintaining healthy fascia.